At Hill Avenue Dental practice our highly trained staff provide quality dental care and treatment in a comfortable and family friendly environment.
Fillings are used to replace structure that has been lost, either through decay or trauma. Fillings can be either traditional metal or tooth coloured plastics. We can provide a variety of options to suit individual requirements.
Crowns or "caps" are used to strengthen and restore a broken down tooth. The procedure involves trimming a tooth down, then taking a mould of your teeth so that our lab can make a crown which fits over the top of your tooth. A bridge is a false tooth that we stick to a natural tooth next to it.
Sometimes if a tooth is severely broken or decayed it may become infected. If there is enough healthy tooth left we can treat the tooth by removing the nerve of the tooth and then placing a filling. We then may decide to put a crown on top of the tooth to strengthen it further.
These are false teeth that can be removed, these are an alternative option to implants (which are titanium based and non removable). At present, we refer our implant patients to our in house specialist, Shivang Davda.
Gum disease can cause your teeth to become loose and eventually be lost. We can help to try and prevent this from occurring by cleaning the mouth thoroughly also giving you the advice you need to maintain a healthy mouth at home. Please also ask your dentist about combating bad breath.
During routine examinations, we look for any abnormalities including oral cancer as well.
This can be performed in the comfort of your own home. Custom made trays are placed over your teeth and a thin solution of whitening agent is applied. A simple, conservative and cost effective way to improve the appearance of all your teeth at once. Please mention to your dentist if you are interested in tooth whitening.
If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile, we can help you in a variety of ways to improve it.
White fillings/crowns - We can removed unsightly silver, mercury and gold fillings and crowns and replace them with white porcelain alternatives which are indistinguishable from your natural teeth. Veneers can also be provided where suitable.
Our dental hygienist is specially trained to work as part of our team and is primarily concerned with maintaining good oral health and treatment and prevention of gum disease and bad breath.
Our hygienist works with the dentist to draw up a suitable cleaning regime which suits you. She will clean your teeth and educate you in how to best care for your teeth and gums effectively, and the effects of diet on oral health.
Regular professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar and staining, combined with looking after your teeth and gums properly at home will help keep your mouth healthy. A clean and healthy mouth will improve your appearance and give you fresh breath.
Our hygienist will carefully remove hard deposits of calculus (tartar) that builds up on teeth and teach you how to prevent it coming back. This will do a lot to slow the progression of gum disease.
Where deposits of calculus lie deep in the gums and may cause discomfort during removal, you may be advised to have anaesthesia for certain areas.
A few handy pointers on keeping your teeth in tip top condition